Monday, April 17, 2006

1 picture and a shattered heart...

How can one guy thousands of miles away break your heart in less than 1 second? With less than 1 word…Without even knowing it….A picture is worth a thousand words, and the one picture that I saw holds true to that statement…

You think you’re over someone, but you’re not…and over time your heart breaks, and now I think mine’s shattered…into pieces….and it hurts…worse than I thought it would….

Silly Poem:
Thousand miles away
I think about you everyday
What you’ve done now
You didn’t know how…
Is break my heart,
Though we’re miles apart…
With a picture so small
I’ll have to build up my wall…
To keep my feelings inside
I can’t run, so I’ll hide,
From the ever increasing pain
‘Cause my hearts been slain….

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Blissful nothingness..

So a few minutes ago I was in total bliss...I got a message on my myspace from a guy I like and hadn't seen in a while. We caught up yesterday at After Prom!! (Which by the was was amazing!!) Then I was watching Everwood and it was one of those great scenes. Ephram realizing that piano is in fact his thing, and he plays with this goofy grin on his face and it's fantastical!!!

I was so happy, floating again......

Then I went to this guys profile and saw all the comments he had, especially from this one girl, who wrote to him alot. I went to her profile and read his comments to her and they seemed like they had something...And of course, that shut me down. I try to be confident, and say, "I have as much a chance with him as she does," but it's like I'm saying it to deaf ears. My own deaf ears. Cause no matter how hard I try I can't convince myself of it....
That really sucks...cause it's so ironic that the one thing I can't find, is the one thing that guys find most attractive in girls....confidence....

URGH!! You know, for my first blog in a while, this one sucks!!

Silly Poem:

Blissful nothingness is all I can say
To describe how I feel today
The bliss that I once had
Has just made me mad
More at me
Than the girl I see.
Trying to convince myself of a chance
Yet talking to deaf ears never to have romance.
Cause my confidence was shot
By a girl who's nothing but hot.
The one with the beautiful hair
With looks, so she doesn't have to care
How he feels about her
Now my bliss is a blur!!