Sunday, March 27, 2005


So can someone explain to me, why people are!!! I can't even think of the words to express my feelings.....

Telling a guy you like them, putting your heart on the line, then waiting.......and waiting......oh, did I know how they feel about you?!?!?! I mean a smile can only go so far........But yeah, what really sucks is that I can't find anything to hate about him, so I can't really get over him by hating him!!!

So today, I wrote a's about this guy that I like, (what's new!!!)'s called "Sick" and I totally vented.......

So I'm it possible for people, just to say how they feel, or say how they don't feel......?!?!?!?!?!

Silly Poem: (Chorus from my song:)
You make me sick,
Whenever I think about you….
You make me sick,
Whenever I dream about you….
You make me sick,
Cause I can’t find anything wrong….with you…

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Can you really not choose your Family?

Okay, you know that statement "You can't choose your family?" Well......I think it's wrong, to a certain extent. Here's why:

Say you and your spouse can't have kids..........and you want to adopt.....
So you go to an adoption agency and you choose a kid to be part of your family, therefore, choosing your family......
I mean, obviously if you are born into your family, you didn't choose to be born into them, or you may have chosen to have kids, but you couldn't choose those kids, that's where I'm wrong. But when it comes to adoption, you are choosing.

Silly Poem:
You can't choose your family,
Or so they say,
But I say, no way,
What if you opt,
To adopt?

Sunday, March 20, 2005


So, yeah.....SAT's totally suck.....well the signing up part at least....

I mean what's the deal with all the DOTS?!?!?!?! Dot here, but not there, because if you dot in the wrong dot, then you have to start a whole new form becuase you can't send in the wrong dots, or they won't accept it.....URGH!!!

SO I say...."SCREW THE DOTS!! ND SCREW THE SPOTS!!!" Who cares if you are american, indian, or a mixture for that fact......stupid questions, with stupid answers.....(Thought: I hope that I don't get into trouble for saying all this!!!)

So yeah, those are my first thoughts.....well at least for today......

Summery: The SAT totally sucks (I'm probably speaking to believers) and so do those little dots and spots!! URGH!!!

Silly Poem:
A dot and a spot,
Not at all hot,
Color here,
Scribble there....
Do we really care?!?!